
This association exists only because of its members! Your membership fees help support the National and Provincial organizations.

To become a member of the Canadian Masters you must be 30 years of age or older and pay the annual membership fee of $30.00. This entitles members to participate in the Masters World Cup which is held on an annual basis, as well as to participate in any Provincial Masters events and the Bill Gairdner Canadian Masters National Championships which are held.

Benefits of Membership:

  • Required for entry into Regional and the Bill Gairdner Canadian Masters National Championships
  • Join Team for Masters World Cup
  • Participation in Provincial Points Series
  • Support development of Masters Racing
  • Opportunity to purchase team clothing and equipment

To register use the Zone4 link below for the respective Province or Territory you reside in for the year you are purchasing your membership.  

To register for the following regions please email the Provincial Director using the respective links below: